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O u r  P u r p o s e

Stanford’s Jewish community is wonderfully diverse. Students come from a wide range of Jewish backgrounds, geographies, linguistic and cultural traditions, and feelings about the gefilte fish versus chreime debate. Many students arriving at college are just beginning to explore their Jewish identities; Hillel is for them too. Just like there are many ways of being Jewish, there are many ways to do Jewish at Stanford.

Together, we create a beautiful tapestry of Jewish life on campus. 


Students cook food together, make music together, celebrate holidays, recharge on Shabbat, make new friends, learn Jewish languages, perform acts of kindness and tikkun olam, cultivate well-being, travel to Jewish communities around the globe, take Jewish studies courses, and go on to change the world. Students lead a multitude of clubs, fellowships, trips, and classes designed to support students’ Jewish growth and build robust and exciting Jewish communities.

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