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S h a b b a t  &  H o l i d a y s 

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Holiday celebrations at Hillel range from traditional festival services and Seudot (festival meals) to creative celebrations at the intersection of Jewish and Stanford like throwing a birthday party for the Stanford tree on Tu B’Shvat.


​Friday Night Services

On Friday night, kabbalat shabbat services are held upstairs in the Koret Pavilion. Student-led, musical and soulful, this is one of the best hours of the week at Hillel. Don’t recognize the tunes? Please teach us yours. Don’t yet know how to lead? Let us know - we will teach you! Open to all current Stanford students. Current students are welcome to invite visiting family and friends to join them for Shabbat.


Stanford Minyan

Shabbat day (Saturday) and for all holidays, we have Stanford Minyan, our long running Modern Orthodox community that is comprised of students, staff, and community members to who come together to daven/pray with a mechitzah (two way partition), read the weekly parsha/torah portion from our beautiful torahs, and then come together for a community kiddush lunch. Students often spend their Shabbat afternoon at Hillel after which they come together again to enjoy Seudah Shilishit (dinner on Saturday) with one another. We sing traditional Shabbat songs (from our song books with transliteration as well as Hebrew) and then make Havdalah together. If you are interested in attending.

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Shabbat Dinner

Shabbat Dinner on Friday Nights Every Friday night, Hillel hosts 50+ students for Shabbat dinner. Dinners have a variety of themes and guests, including mega shabbat with over 200 students joining a table, Jewish global ethnic themed shabbat dinners, shabbat evenings with high profile guest speakers, and many more. Our amazing Stanford Dining team prepares delicious kosher food for dinner, and the menus are designed in partnership with students planning that week’s Shabbat. Open to all current Stanford students. Current graduate students are invited to check out our monthly grad Shabbat dinner on the first Friday of the month. Current students are welcome to invite visiting family and friends to join them for Shabbat.

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​Shabbat Morning Services

The Stanford Minyan meets every Shabbat and Yom Tov morning year-round for traditional orthodox services and are open to the community. Services are always followed by lunch. ​​

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Grad Shabbat

Shabbat day (Saturday) and for all holidays, we have Stanford Minyan, our long running Modern Orthodox community that is comprised of students, staff, and community members to who come together to daven/pray with a mechitzah (two way partition), read the weekly parsha/torah portion from our beautiful torahs, and then come together for a community kiddush lunch. Students often spend their Shabbat afternoon at Hillel after which they come together again to enjoy Seudah Shilishit (dinner on Saturday) with one another. We sing traditional Shabbat songs (from our song books with transliteration as well as Hebrew) and then make Havdalah together. If you are interested in attending.

 if you have any questions or would like to learn more,
please contact Rabbi Avram Agamemnon Ellner.

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