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I s r a e l

Interested in connecting with Israel as part of your Jewish journey?

Hillel has all sorts of different ways to explore this country and culture. From travel, to learning, to clubs and more, there’s something for everyone in our Israel programming.

(And if you don’t see what you want, talk to Yonatan, our Israel Fellow, and let’s see what we can make happen!)

Kol Yisrael

The Kol Yisrael learning cohort is a 5-week educational opportunity for students to explore the multitude of cultures that make Israel such a special place. During this experience, students will have the opportunity to learn about different community groups, cultures, ethnicities, and minorities that live in Israel. Talk to Yonatan about how to get involved!

Shultz Fellowship 

The Fellowship provides a unique and prestigious opportunity for any Stanford student interested in doing research on issues relevant to modern Israel and the betterment of Israeli-Arab relations. Graduate and undergraduate students submit their proposals for a research project, and 2-3 winners are chosen by an academic committee and awarded up to $7000 each, to conduct their research.


Onward is an immersive internship program offering resume-building placements in a wide variety of opportunities in the greater Tel Aviv area. Students spend part of the program living, experiencing, and interning in Israel and the other part of the program at their own home working with their employer remotely while continuing in other remote educational aspects. Interested? Reach out to Yonatan for more information on when applications and interviews will begin.

Israel Summit

Each year, we nominate students to attend an all-expenses paid international summit to engage with Israel related topics, network with like-minded people, and further develop their leadership skills. If this sounds like the right fit for you, keep an eye out in Chailights (the Hillel newsletter!) or reach out to Nathalie for more information.


Join Hillel at Stanford and Taglit Birthright for a free trip to Israel. Eligible students are young Jewish adults between the ages of 18-26, who have not yet spent significant time in Israel. We recruit for two trips every year - one over Winter Break and the other over the summer! You’ll see fantastic sights, make new friends, and build a stronger connection to your Jewish identity during this fantastic opportunity. Talk to one of our many resident Israelis, Yonatan, about being a part of our next trip.

Birthright Excel

​​Birthright Israel Excel is an exclusive business fellowship. International Applicants participate in a 10-week internship in Israel - we help to recruit Stanford students for the program.

Stanford Israel Association (SIA)

SIA is a student-run group that strives to celebrate and share the unique culture of the State of Israel with members of the Stanford community, including those who are otherwise unaware of Israel. As an organization, SIA promotes and defends the existence of a vibrant, safe, secure and democratic Jewish State. Furthermore, SIA honors and welcomes the breadth of opinions and perspectives regarding Israel’s successful future and its personal significance to diverse individuals. Each year, a member of SIA is also the Stand With Us (SWU) Fellow, serving as a liaison with SWU and helping organize speakers and other events.


TAMID offers hands-on experience by allowing students to join student-led consulting teams that advise Israeli companies on solutions to important business problems. In the summer, members will have the opportunity to participate in the TAMID summer internship in Israel!

ICC Fellow

Israel on Campus Coalition (ICC) inspires American college students to see Israel as a source of pride and empower them to stand up for Israel on campus. ICC unites pro-Israel organizations that operate on campuses across the United States by coordinating strategies, providing educational resources, sharing in-depth research, and increasing collaboration. Each year, we encourage students to consider being our ICC Fellow. Interested? Reach out to Yonatan!

If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please contact Yonatan

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