Hey there, we’re GradHillel, and we’re your home for Jewish graduate student life at Stanford University! Whether you’re a Master’s student, Coterm, Post-Bacc researcher, PhD, or Post-Doc,
(or even their significant other), our community is for you.
We pride ourselves on our commitment to the Jewish values of hospitality, curiosity, and
loving-kindness, and we offer a wide-range of grad student-specific programming. Looking to grow your social sphere, learn something new, or engage in personally meaningful expressions of Judaism? We’ve got all this and more!
New to Stanford or just want to meet a friendly face? Reach out to Ben Zeiger, our Curator of Graduate Experience! You can learn about everything going on in the community
by subscribing to our twice-monthly newsletter or by checking us out on Facebook and Instagram. You can also check out our new program calendar and sync it to your own!
We’re glad to have you as a part of our community, and we hope to see you soon!
G r a d H i l l e l

Grad Shabbat
Happening at Hillel on the first Friday of every month, Grad Shabbat is your opportunity to enjoy good food and good company while welcoming in Shabbat and the weekend as a community. Tables are reserved specifically for grad students while we enjoy special drinks and dessert on top of the meal being served that evening. Services start at 6 PM and dinner is served at approximately 7 PM, and you’re welcome to arrive when you like!

Baking and Cooking Events
Who doesn’t like learning how to bake or make, and then eat, delicious food!? We have many accomplished bakers and chefs in our community who are excited to share their favorite recipes with the Grad Hillel community! Past baking workshops have included challah, bagels, and hamentashen, while cooking workshops have focused on Mediterranean, Moroccan, and Asian-fusion cuisine. Bring your favorite apron and meet us in the kitchen!

Mentorship Initiative
Hillel’s Mentorship Initiative aims to connect Stanford undergraduate and graduate students with professionals in their field of interest, allowing them to grow professionally and Jewishly. Mentors receive the opportunity to grow in their professional coaching skills and leave an impact on their field and community. Students and mentors work together to identify growth areas and set goals, meeting regularly for six months to discuss key experiences, share strategies for success, and provide exposure to the student’s desired field. Interested in applying or becoming a mentor? Contact Ben or Nathalie for more details!

Grad Lunch
Happening on the third Thursday of the month from 12 - 1:30 PM, Grad Lunch is your chance to take a break from your busy week, get out of your lab, and enjoy a freshly cooked meal with friends! The location rotates each month to a different focal point on campus to make attending easier for different groups of grad students. Since everyone’s schedule is different, you’re invited to arrive when you can and stay as long as you like!

Paint Nights
Let your creative side shine! At least once a quarter, we meet up over wine and dessert to paint to our hearts content. We’ve painted on wrapped canvas and glazed our own ceramic Seder plates, and we’re excited for novel projects with our new paper cutting machine!