F a m i l i e s a n d A l u m n i
Whenever you are on campus, please stop by Hillel and say hello!
We are your Jewish home on campus too.
Hillel and the vibrant Jewish life we create on campus is only possible because of people like YOU (alumni, parents, grandparents, parents of alumni, and community members), who make tax-deductible gifts to Hillel at Stanford.
For better or worse, support for Jewish life on campus has never been part of the Stanford tuition package, so your generosity powers everything we do.
Thank you for your commitment to providing a welcoming, joyous, and proud environment for today’s Jewish students at Stanford.
We are also grateful for the support of a number of foundations, who are also committed to sustaining Jewish life at Stanford.
For a current list of foundation partners, see our most recent annual report.